When it comes to putting on slabs of muscle and cutting away extra body fat, a strategic bodybuilding diet will make all the difference. But, there are three common body types (We’ll get to that in a few) we must take into account when constructing the perfect diet plan which are ectomorphs (Skinny and lanky),…

Leangains is an eating and exercise system created by Swedish personal trainer, nutrition consultant, and powerlifter Martin Berkhan. Launched in the early 2000s, Leangains promises to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Unlike many body transformation programs, Leangains does not involve eating lots of small meals each day, and you won’t have…

Feeling under the weather every now and then isn’t typically cause for concern (although in some cases it can be). The common cold, flu season, and less than optimal lifestyle habits are a part of life. But it’s our responsibility to ensure that we’re taking care of our bodies and minds by consciously maintaining good…

Convenience is becoming increasingly more popular with our busy lifestyles, and not having to prepare meals is a luxury that most people would opt for if given the option. Well, the Optavia diet is one of those systems that does most of the work for you (except for the eating and exercise of course) as…

TDEE or total daily energy expenditure isn’t too complex to understand. You see, for us to have the energy to do essentially anything, our bodies have to use the calories that we consume as a fuel source.  Therefore, we’re “expending” energy. And this is similar to how a car needs gas to drive. You supply…

Eat, drink, and be merry— but not too merry. When it comes to food, celebrate—but with control. Taking these few simple steps will help make sure that your nutrition doesn’t suffer. The average person can consume up to 4,500 calories during holiday celebrations, and it’s easy to see how that can be when everyone’s bringing…

When it comes to fast food menu items, all are definitely not created equally and Chick-Fil-A is one prime example of this. But it’s a really challenge to resist their crispy chicken sandwiches with a side of fries. However, this combo is definitely among their least healthy options.  So to help you make smarter choices,…

When it comes to fast food chains, Wendy’s isn’t exactly your best option if your goal is to eat relatively healthy. However, it’s definitely not the worst either and you can make it work if you have too.  The Wendy’s nutrition calculator will help you to make the best possible choice/s. But, we’ve also provided…

Let’s face it… when it comes to anything in life, what works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa (and that’s OK). At some point, we all have to experiment with different processes and try new things which often leads us down new paths.  Well, the metabolic typing diet is one…

It’s more important than ever right now to make healthy lifestyle choices. The novel Covid-19 health crisis is a situation in which we’ve yet to experience which is why we must be prepared to ensure the safety of ourselves and others around us. Now, there are many safety precautions we can take which are quite…