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    Currently im sitting at 320 lbs and am on medication for my blood pressure and cholesterol. I really need to make a lifestyle change and get down to a healthy body weight. I have a hernia that prevents me from doing much physical activity. Short term it would be nice to get some weight off and prepare to have surgery to fix my hernia.


    Hey there my bro, not to worry… we will meet up at the gym and work around your injury. Ill send you a new program for workout / diet.


    I have been training for 4 weeks with you and just wanted to post my 2 week progress pictures you sent me. I just hit the 298 lbs mark in 4 weeks down from 320 lbs.

    I am very happy with the progress so far and want to set a new short term goal of 275 lbs


    All good my brother :good: the weight is flying off and we will be down to 275 lbs very shortly. I can see your posture changing for the better and you are definitely getting stronger in the gym. Let keep grinding :yes:


    WoWzaS! Congrats guys very inspiring

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