Home Forums Fitness & Nutrition Season suggestions for meats ?

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    im wondering what i can safely season my meats with ? i am very sensitive to salt due to water retention and seem to have issues with perspiration if i use things like curry powders and spices. Any suggestions ?


    Hey there, i like to keep things simple when it comes to spices on my protiend sources… onion, garlic powders and bazile go on most anything you can think of and they keep well for prepped meals in the freezer. Sometimes i use chilie powders, but they can contain salts, unless you make your own.

    Funny that you mention the perspiration issues with spices… i personally dont have an issue, however, i have clients and friend that definably over spice their foods and it comes out at the gym… during workouts… very stinky :-p


    that seems to be my issue too. i have tried the all in one spices from different companies. They are pretty good but im always on guard when buying because i do not know exactly whats put in them

    Carey DrierCarey Drier

    Mrs Dash SUX ! I make my own curry and spices :good:


    Im sticking to the onion powder + garlic powders and add a bit of cayenne pepper

    love it :good:

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