Fitness is essential
important things
It doesn’t matter if you are trying to just lose a few pounds to drop a couple dress sizes or if you are taking it to the next level trying to build an extremely lean tone body. Resistance training is an essential component that will help speed along your results. Make the most out of your time in the gym, don’t waste time doing exercises you THINK will get you there. No one gets “big and bulky” by accident and neither will you. Below are some Fitness related news and articles that are filled with useful information…
If you are a beginner or first time visitor, its always a good idea to have a look at our Primer To Fintess.
Primer to Fitness
(click to expand)
- How many days a week am I willing to workout?
- What sacrifices am i willing to make ?
- Are my expectations realistic ?
- What is my timeline ?
- Do I REALLY want it ?
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Almost everyone I see in a consultation wants to lose weight, very few (and I mean very few) come to me with a specific body fat percentage they would like to be at, just a specific weight. The thing is losing weight is NOT what you want to do, you want to lose FAT and fat alone.
Most weight loss approaches are exactly that, weight loss, body fat, water weight and lean body mass. The problem here is that more often than not people lose more water and lean body mass than they do body fat. In the end they are left with a smaller version of the original body or even softer or flabbier body than before they lost the weight !
The only way to become toned or leaner is to lose fat alone. As well, it is your body composition (body fat level) that determines your risks for diabetes, heart disease, hypertension etc. If you lose weight for health reasons but you maintain a high body fat percentage you have accomplished nothing from a health standpoint. (see photo)
When people lose weight the traditional way they tend to put it back on and then some really fast. Why is this? Simple… when you lose lean body mass you slow your metabolism down. Your organs and your lean body mass require calories to function properly. The more muscle someone has the more calories they burn while sleeping let alone exercising.
Most people (95%) that follow your typical low calorie diet with cardio or no exercise end up losing up to 70% of the weight from lean body mass. This results in a higher body fat percentage at the end of the diet and a slower metabolism, making it very hard to maintain the new weight. Often they end up eating less than they did before starting the diet yet they continue to gain weight at a record rate.
At #TeamTNA we never have clients lose muscle when losing weight, we have them lose fat only and maintain or build muscle through the process. At the end the client is left with a much leaner body with a lower body fat percentage and a faster metabolism than when they started the program. As a matter of fact they have to increase the amount of food they eat in order to maintain the results because of the faster metabolism. This ensures that the new body is easier to maintain and that all health risks related to the original weight are taken care of.
We also look at fat loss as a lifestyle change, one that has to happen and stay changed for the rest of your life. Your present lifestyle has left you with a body image you do not like and if you return to this destructive lifestyle after achieving you desired body image the old one will eventually return. That is why the Lifestyle approach is for life, it isn’t a quick fix to lose weight at all costs for the short term. It is a healthy way to look and feel your best for the rest of your life.
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LBM represents pretty well everything in our bodies other than fat. Water is also included in LBM since it makes up such a huge portion of our body. LBM includes all tissues in our body… It basically represents our muscles, bones, organs, tendons, etc. This is one component of our weight that we want to remain the same while dieting or if we are lucky, to go up. That’s right. It is a good thing to gain weight if it is LBM! “How?” you ask. Let me explain
LBM weighs twice as much as fat therefore if you were to lose 20 pounds of fat and gain 20 pounds of LBM, you would look 10 pounds lighter even though your weight has not changed. The major benefit to anyone trying to lose BF is that LBM burns calories!
As a matter of fact LBM is the reason we eat. Fat uses no calories to just sit there, and BF is a by-product of excess calories. LBM requires calories to fuel it for your daily activities. Activities such as exercising, typing, reading and even sleeping! The more LBM you have the more calories you burn in your sleep. Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? Even when we sleep, our bodies are producing heat, working on processing our macronutrients, and just keeping up with normal bodily functions. For every pound of muscle you gain, you require an additional 50-100 calories a day to maintain it.
Bottom line: the more LBM you have the more your body has to work to maintain it. Hence, the more you get to eat and the easier you lose the unwanted fat. This is also another reason that makes resistance training is so important
Body Composition (body comp) is something that many diets ignore. Most probably because it will make your results on the diet look bad in the end. The body composition is the only true tool to chart your progress whether your weight goes up or down.
What is a body composition? It is basically tells you what your body is composed of. It tells you what your percentage of BF is, versus your percentage of LBM.
The lower your BF percentage is the better. Well… to a certain extent. We have basically two types of BF, essential fat and storage fat. A man’s essential BF requirement is a minimum of around 3%. This essential fat protects organs from trauma as well as being required for normal physiological function. Women on the other hand require approximately 12% BF. This is due to their sex-specific requirements for breast tissue and the uterus. Storage fat is excess fat. This is usually found subcutaneously and is the fat we want to try and shed. We don’t want to get rid of it all. Even though it isn’t essential, we should have some storage fat to fall back on if need be.
You don’t have to worry about falling below safe BF levels. Even though it has been intentionally achieved by professional and recreational bodybuilders, as well as other athletes for competitions or aesthetic reasons. This is only achieved with extreme dedication and a fine tuned diet. In some cases, the use of drugs including diuretics and thyroid medication were used to get people to such low BF levels. I seriously doubt that anyone could casually get this low, not without knowingly trying to get there or being genetically super lean.
These extremely low levels should not be maintained for any extended period of time as you would inevitably have some negative effects. Usually anyone who knowingly achieves this low level stays at it for only a few days and then returns to safer levels. I would imagine the average man or woman would be VERY happy with their appearance long before these super low percentages were achieved.
The charts below will show you what category you presently fall into. This will help you determine how far you have to go as far as fat loss to reach your fitness or body image goal.
So as you can see by this chart, it isn’t necessarily what you weigh but “what you’re made of” that matters. If you are just trying to improve your health you should be aiming to fall somewhere in the good to excellent level. If you are trying to have a body that could appear on the cover of a fitness magazine, you are going to have to be in the single digits for a man and the low teens for a woman.
Many people are never happy with what they see in the mirror, no matter how much they improve. Some experts have a real problem with this, however we at #TeamTNA do not. The way we see it, as long as you are trying to make continued progress in a safe and healthy manor, there is nothing wrong with this ongoing quest to build your perfect body.
As you travel down the road towards a better you, don’t compare yourself to others. Always look back at how far you have come. We are all different and improve at different rates. As long as you see an improvement, you are on the right track. The best way to chart this progress is to take a before picture. This picture should be taken in a swim suit to show as much of your body as possible.
Eventually if you hit a plateau and start to get frustrated or get off track and take a few steps back, you can look back at this picture to see how far you have come. Another good thing about having a before picture is that it isn’t always easy for us to see our progress since we are looking at ourselves in the mirror every day. When dieting to get lean or add lean mass, I like to take new pictures every few weeks in the same lighting, same pose and swim suit then compare.
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There are three major body types:
- Ectomorph
- Endomorph
- Mesomorph
- Ectomorph: – A thin person with a lean physique and a little muscle. The ectomorph generally has a hard time building muscle but can shed body fat fairly easy. The ectomorph usually has a fast metabolism. The ectomorph is typically known as a “hard gainer”, someone who will have some trouble putting on lean body mass. They are going to have to focus very hard on eating enough food and working out with weights at a high intensity. Generally the hard gainer should stay away from cardiovascular training if they are trying to gain muscle. By the way, I am your classic ectomorph and have a heck of a time building and maintaining muscle. But trust me, if I was able to transform my body as significantly as I did, anyone can.
- Endomorph: – A heavyset person with a predominantly round and soft physique. The endomorph generally has a hard time losing body fat. Often they are able to build muscle easier than an ectomorph but not as well as a mesomorph. The endomorph usually has a slow metabolism. The endomorph isn’t the hard gainer that the ectomorph is. They will require a high intensity training program. Since they generally have a hard time with excessive body fat, they will generally have to keep a close watch on their diet. The food should be nutrient dense but not calorie dense. Cardiovascular training can often help the endomorph with their weight loss goals. Since they have a greater amount of body fat, the amount of fat to lean body mass lost while performing cardio will be in their favour.
- Mesomorph: – A person whose physique features a powerful musculature. The mesomorph generally has an easy time building muscle and an easy time losing body fat. In my opinion, the mesomorph won the genetic lottery. The mesomorph usually has a moderate metabolism. The mesomorph can almost gain muscle by reading a muscle magazine, they can train at a lower intensity and still progress quite well. However, the higher the intensity, the greater the return. They can choose to perform cardiovascular training if they wish to aid with fat loss as it will speed up the fat burning process with minimal effect on lean body mass.